We’re not rushing it, but you know we have to update you about the trends before they arrive!
After talking about how much we love fall, it’s time to show you about the winter. And next week you can’t miss us revealing to you this winter’s trends! Are you curious? Then, you’ll have to keep up with our articles to find out. For now, you can just read this one!
To Feed Your Curiosity:
All the images you will see in this article, are on our favorite social networks ever: Pinterest. Once you type in ‘winter’, these are some of the pictures that come up. And today we are here to talk to you about it. But before that, here’s some information about the next season.

Winter is the coldest season of the year in polar and temperate zones. It occurs after autumn and before spring in each year. Winter is caused by the axis of the Earth in that hemisphere being oriented away from the Sun. In many regions, winter is associated with snow and freezing temperatures. The earliest sunset and latest sunrise dates outside the polar regions differ from the date of the winter solstice, however, and these depend on latitude, due to the variation in the solar day throughout the year caused by the Earth’s elliptical orbit.
Everyone knows that winter gained a special touch after came up. That’s why we had to share a little tribute to the best series of all-time. Speaking of, the winter is coming next April as well, and with it, the last season of the show. Are you ready, Lord Commander? Cause we certainly are!
This is the best time to enjoy hot and lots of cookies. We mean, think with us: it’s winter, you wear lot’s of clothes, no one will see that you gained a few pounds, so just enjoy your !
About the snow, we couldn’t live the winter season without snow, it’s literally not possible! It’s magical and it also gives you some hell of good pictures. Every street or house turns into a Disney movie when it snows, it looks super cute! It might seem unreal to you, but you can style your balcony for winter as well. It’s cold, most of the times, but you can be outside with blankets and a hot coffee enjoying your morning sunshine (seems like the perfect plan).
Well, there’s nothing better than winter clothes. The scarves, big jackets, gloves… There’s no way you don’t like it! We are not talking that much on this topic, because next week you will be able to check all the winter trends here!
Like some wise man once said:
They who sing through the summer must dance in the winter.
Editor’s Choice
To Feed Your Curiosity:
Find out all about this Spring’s lighting inspirations and the best lighting stores with DelightFULL‘s latest Paris Design e-book! Visit us also on Pinterest and do not forget to come by every day, we will have the best lighting suggestions for you and your home!