The design lighting, Sun Green chandelier by Made In Love design studio is unique light, a result of one year of experiments with materials and shapes.
It’s entirely designed and handcrafted by Mariam Ayvazyan. The chandelier creative consists of 88 handmade concrete eggs and an Edison bulbs in the middle. Inside each egg, there is carefully placed LED light. Groups of four eggs are attached by brass wire rings.
The origami wooden base que is attached to the ceiling hosts three craters que give an impression of erupting volcanoes when lights are on, a great solution for home lighting design.
This project made by Mariam Ayvazyan, an architect formed in the Master’s program in Architecture and Design at the State University of Architecture and Construction Eredan in 2008.
In recent years, Miriam, was dedicated to Bio Architecture, which combines art and science in the design of buildings and spaces.
In the office Made in Love Design Studio, Miriam launches its new project of interior lighting that combines the concept of lighting design with art, making this piece Sun Chandelier a decorative accessory.
These fixtures will suit anyone who loves both modern or retro design. Handmade by Mariam Ayvazyan where I assemble the fixture with your very own hands.
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